Playing Online!
With the magic of streaming audio, 90FM is now able to offer Trivia on line.
If you want to have a team anywhere in the world, then this is your game.
Simply print and fill out the online registration form located on this site, to the left.
Then send it with a check for $75 made out to Friends of 90FM.
Please send to the following address:
Friends of 90FM
3520 Burr Oak Ct.
Plover, WI 54467
All forms must be postmarked no later than Monday March 25, 2025. I must have this in my hands by Friday April 4, 2025. On Monday, April 10 the New Trivia Times including your registration number will be shipped to you. This will include your team ID number and the phone number to use to dial into the contest
Description of the Contest
Eight questions are asked over the 90FM airwaves each hour. Team contestants are given the length of time for two songs to play in which to respond with an answer. Each team is given one attempt to answer. All teams that respond correctly are awarded between 5 points and 500 points depending on the number of teams who respond correctly. Point values will be announced after the newscast with a 1 hour delay. There are two hours during the contest when only four questions are asked. This allows us time to read all of the team standings.
Music Questions
The music questions are snippets of 8 songs. There are three music questions, and each of the snippets is equivalent to one question. Question turn-in times are in your copy of The New Trivia Times. This is the booklet that you receive at the time of registration.
Trophies for first through tenth place are donated by Point Trophy.